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Sunday, February 25, 2018

How Much Value is Your ‘Two Cents’ worth?

I pose this question, using “two cents” as the figure of speech, meaning your opinion.  Let me answer this, it’s not a simple answer, and it’s definitely not two cents.  I feel strongly your, two cents, might be worth two cents to a common or average person (perhaps someone who is very indifferent and doesn’t care), and to someone else beyond that, it may be worth 1 million dollars and to another, it could be negative worth.  The latter possibility is a more difficult answer to digest … I mean that your ‘two cents’ could be taking away and not adding or giving.  This is the concerning part to me.  This is the part that has been on my mind a lot.

What’s the difference between encouragement to someone, giving loving guidance and direction when it’s asked for or when it’s appropriate compared to intentionally/or unintentionally stirring the pot to cause unnecessary conflict by providing your opinion?  I think there is a large difference and this goes as far as a conversation with a friend or acquaintance, social media, church, classmates, colleagues, etc.  If the common goal is to build upwards, help with the cause, make constructive changes and I sure hope that’s the goal, what causes us to want to sway others to think more how we think, feel more how we feel and believe more how we believe?  I include myself in this, very intentionally because I battle this too.  

I would call myself opinionated; some, in a nicer way call it passion. I'm having an interesting, difficult, sometimes enjoyable time taming this opinion. Why should it be tamed? Why should your opinion or passion be tamed? I’m not sure if me or anyone else I can identify, can answer that for you.  I’ll answer the question for myself.  I know that if I don’t think twice, or sometimes many more, prior to speaking I say or do things that end up hurting people. In some ways the times where people that tell me I hurt them, are manageable and possible.  On the other hand, the times where others don’t tell me I’ve hurt them, I’m left to wonder. I get that people want to be nice, but it’s often difficult for me when I have this gut feeling I’ve done something or are continuing to do something and the person affected doesn’t say something to me.  This situation is tougher for me, because again, I’m left to wonder.  Well lookie here, that got pretty personal.  I wasn’t expecting that.

I think a key component with sharing your thoughts, opinions, personal truths, etc., there should probably be some type of relationship, with a moderate amount of trust before you go off on someone on abortion, gay marriage, religion, politics, the death penalty, faith crisis, legalizing marijuana, any topic that has potential for difficult emotions to be stirred up.  Now, just to remind or inform you, all of this, this what you just read, is my opinion and if we don’t have a good relationship yet, well then, there ya go; there’s a pretty interesting paradox.

I’ll end on what I think part of the solution to this may be; connection.  If we can connect more with those around us, in our lives, the trust and a foundation will grow.  And if this occurs then, you can speak your mind, your truth or anything else because the two parties have an invested interest in one another.   ADDITION: I am going back and adding to this. Wanted to site one of my mentors that has helped me connect and learn the principle of connection. It's a topic with so much depth and meaning. Here is a link that will take you to another blog on Brene Brown.

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